
We Need to Talk About Cosby

We Need to Talk About Cosby (2022)

Direção: W. Kamau Bell

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A revealing four-part documentary series from writer/director W. Kamau Bell offering a deeply personal exploration of Bill Cosby's descent from "America's Dad" to alleged sexual predator. Exploring the complex story of Cosby's life and work, Bell invites comedians, educators, journalists and Cosby survivors to have a refreshingly candid, first of its kind conversation about the man, his career and his crimes. Bell takes an unfiltered look at his legacy and the unexpected ramifications for an industry that enabled him.


We Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About CosbyWe Need to Talk About Cosby


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