A comedy that follows the misadventures of two friends from Brooklyn who are forced to deliver mob money to Australia. While taking pictures of a kangaroo, one of them places his red jacket on it. When the wild kangaroo bounces off, they realize the mob money is in the jacket and are forced to give chase through the Outback.
Louis Booker and Charlie Carbone are close friends with an association with the mob. After the duo botch a delivery of stolen TVs, the duo are given a second chance by mob leader Sal Maggio, who happens to be Charlie's stepfather. The duo are to deliver $50,000 to a contact in Australia. As simple as the job sounds, complications emerge when a kangaroo steals the money. Now Charlie and Louis must find the kangaroo and get the money back before they find themselves in a worse predicament.


Kangur JackKangur JackKangur JackKangur JackKangur JackKangur JackKangur Jack


Brak opisu
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