A little girl discovers dreams do come true if you really believe. Six-year-old Susan has doubts about childhood's most enduring miracle - Santa Claus. Her mother told her the "secret" about Santa a long time ago, so Susan doesn't expect to receive the most important gifts on her Christmas list. But after meeting a special department store Santa who's convinced he's the real thing, Susan is given the most precious gift of all - something to believe in.


Cud na 34. UlicyCud na 34. UlicyFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century FoxFoto: RTL / Twentieth Century Fox


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