Prince Victor looks in vain for a swan which was wounded by one of his servants. Instead he discovers a beautiful girl with golden hair who has an arrow in her shoulder. She is dumb and can't explain her origin. He falls immediately for her. The girl quickly recovers, but disappears mysteriously, leaving Victor unhappy. The king forbids his son to search for her. Victor is meant to marry the queen of the lake because she has a treasure of precious pearls and is the only one left befitting his rank . She sends her subordinate to kidnap children and uses them to obtain more pearls. Victor gets in touch with his girl during a dream thanks to a magical potion. She is a princess and her name is Odette. The queen of the lake kidnapped her and the other princesses, has taken their speech and transformed them into swans, so she's the one left to marry Victor. Everybody who seems to be dangerous for the queen of the lake is thrown down for a giant man-eating fish. Disguised as a servant, Victor tries to save the princesses and to punish the queen, but she sees through his plans and takes revenge: Odette should live as a swan forever and ever, and Victor should die. But Victor succeeds with help of the detained children to free Odette and the other princesses. Finally, while attempting to escape, the queen of the lake turns to stone.


Queen of the LakeQueen of the LakeQueen of the LakeQueen of the LakeQueen of the LakeQueen of the Lake


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