Follows the story of a young woman who commits horrific acts of violence and rage, and to her surprise, has no idea why. And the investigator who becomes obsessed with the case and is determined to dig into her past and figure out "why" this is happening.

Era sui canali:

Top Crime  Italia 1  20 Mediaset  

  • Cold Case - Delitti irrisolti (2003)

    I "Cold case" - letteralmente i "casi freddi", quelli chiusi da tempo, archiviati - sono i tipi di casi che è chiamata a risolvere la giovane detective Lilly Ru.
  • Senza traccia (2002)

    As any detective can tell you, investigating missing property or deaths is comparatively easy compared to elusive missing people. However in New York City, there...
  • CSI - Scena del crimine (2000)

    CSI - Scena del crimine racconta le vicende del Las Vegas Police Department, specializzato in prove forensi. Il team di esperti è guidato da Gil Grissom, un...
  • Motive (2013)

    A Vancouver based murder has just occurred and been discovered. At the beginning of each episode, not only is the victim(s) identified to the viewer, but also the...

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