
Magic Hands

Magic Hands (2013)

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Magic Hands
  • I Wildenstein (2019)

    Because of her father's death, Rike Wildenstein returns to her parents' horse ranch after 13 years and tries to save the heavily indebted farm.
  • Unomattina (1986)

    Il programma della mattina di Rai1 che racconta l'attualità italiana ed estera. Cronaca, politica, cultura, spettacolo, medicina, economia, senza tralasciare...
  • Un ciclone in convento (2002)

    It is a light hearted comedy about nuns who are constantly dodging attempts by the mayor to take over their cloister in order to create business opportunities for...
  • L'amica geniale (2018)

    When the most important friend in her life seems to disappear without trace, Elena Greco, an elderly woman living in a house crammed with books, switches on her...

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