
New Tricks: Setting Out Your Stall

New Tricks (2011)

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Valutazione: 7.7/10


EPISODIO: 4 - Setting Out Your Stall


New information links the unexplained death of a market trader to a series of drug rapes in east London - but with that case still ongoing, Ucos are unable to question the chief suspect, so they have to look into their victim's past in their search for clues. Gerry soon finds a likely culprit in the shape of the market inspector who clamped his car, while Sandra has problems of a more personal nature when her hated mother arrives for a visit. Sheila Hancock guest stars.

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New TricksNovi stari slučajevi 01Novi stari slučajevi 02Novi stari slučajevi 03Novi stari slučajevi 04Novi stari slučajevi 05Novi stari slučajevi 06Novi stari slučajevi 07Novi stari slučajevi 08Novi stari slučajevi 09Novi stari slučajevi 10Novi stari slučajevi 11Novi stari slučajevi 12New Tricks


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