
Our Little Village

A mi kis falunk 3. (2019)

commedia | Ungheria

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What is life in our little village like? Impossible situations, familiar characters, and a community where nothing works the way it should. Funny and emotional stories about people who the viewer will instantly become found of. And whom, we all know. Gyuri, the macho-man of the village. The mayor who spends public money on himself. Teca, the 'hot-girl' innkeeper, who serves expensive beer, but taps intrigue for free. Erika, the administrator who has been engaged for a millennium. Laci, the kind-hearted village fool who wants to be a mayor. Stoki, the policeman who does not even have a gun and only dreams about actual crimes. Janó, the veterinarian who treats people if there is no better choice. The priest, who captivates the heart of all local women. Common characters in uncommon situations. There is only one thing that is certain, everything is always more complicated than it should be.


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