
Game of Silence


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Ecevit, Bilal, Ibrahim and Zeki... They were just four little boys from the Kuyudibi district in Istanbul. They were bound to each other as brothers. One day, they made a childish mistake. It was an accident that came at a high cost, and their lives would never be the same again. They took an oath to never tell a single soul about what happened, they were going to keep this a secret until the end of their days. But, keeping this burden was not going to be an easy task - Twenty years passed since that unfortunate day, until when they all heard the news about Zeki. He was in prison for shooting a man. They all knew the man Zeki shot, and they all knew why he did it. They all knew they had to get back together.Zeki was murdered while he was in detention. They knew exactly who was behind Zeki's murder and why he was killed. This last tragedy was the last straw,it was now time to dig back into the past and take revenge for their shattered youth.


Nessun recensioni
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