Recensione: La stanza del vescovo

Recensione di hymie
domenica 12 giugno 2022 09:43
Ugo Tognazzi and Ornella Muti star in this movie. The story is sort of about Ornella, well actually... about relationships, about how men and women can live with each other ... and sort of can't. It is about infidelity, about trust and about money.

An interesting drama/thriller with interesting cinematography. It does take its time to let us know who the characters are - I would not say that we ever really get to love any of them. Having said that, maybe we at least accept them to a degree - the right ones that is. Nudity and free spirit - although the latter not always.

Calling a woman who wants to have fun names is not a nice thing. Says more about the character spewing the words than the woman herself - or maybe we have progressed since then. At least a little ... anyway an interesting movie that is predictable and that I have seen similarly done in other movies too - but this was as entertaining as they get - if you don't mind the "old school" flavour it has.
Aggiornato da hymie 12 giu 2022
Metti mi piace per recensire
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