
Istine i laži


dráma | Szerbia

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 1

RéSZ: 150


Through many diffrent situations, we follow the life of a family, friends, love (revered and unclaimed), and through the episodes new characters (guest stars) appear, which additionally complement the most diffrent life situations of our main characters. The evening graduation party brings together Pavle and Marina, the most popular teenagers in the school, with Nikola, Kristina and Sloba, the most famous outsiders of the school. That night, filled with excitement, loud music and alcohol will keep everyone in their memory as the end of one era and the beginning of a new stage in their lives. 18 years later, their lives are crossing again. Pavle and Marine have a son Nikola, who is a teenager, and Kristina and Sloba live as if nothing had changed in those 18 years - and still respected the oath which they laid down a long time ago that they would never have a permanent job, a serious bond and a family. After an accidental encounter between Nikola and Marina, the secrets from the past ...


Istine i lažiIstine i lažiIstine i lažiIstine i laži


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