
Rossella - Egy tiszta szívű asszony

Rossella (2011)

Rendező: Gianni Lepre

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A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 2

RéSZ: 2


The story is set in Genoa late in the nineteenth century. The main character is a beautiful young girl named Rossella from a very wealthy family of high social class .in an accident she meets a journalist named Giuliano and falls in love with him at first sight .in spite of her father's attempt to prevent the marriage, rossella, who has already been forced to marry Walter Jagaer elopes with Giuliano in order to get married. It makes the father to reject the daughter with the thought that she has rejected him and because in the atmosphere of such family and society, this kind of act considered to be a great disgrace to the family.


Nincs vélemény
  • Álom és szerelem: Rosamunde Pilcher (1993)

    A series of television movies based on the works of Rosamunde Pilcher, a popular British writer of romance novels and short stories.
  • A Grace klinika (2005)

    A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
  • Álom és szerelem: Inga Lindström (2004)

    Stories of heroines and heroes - it's all about love and the sometimes bumpy road to it. The secret protagonist is the incomparably beautiful Swedish landscape.
  • Lilly Schönauer (2006)



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