
Melrose Place: Melrose Unglued

Melrose Place (1996)

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éVAD: 4

RéSZ: 30 - Melrose Unglued


Amanda persuades Teri to drop the charges against Peter by making Brandi the spokesperson for a cosmetics company. ""Betsy"" throws a knife at Michael after he reveals that he slept with Brandi. When he returns, Kimberly begs him to stay away for his own good. She turns to Peter for help, but vanishes before he can aid her. Bobby's friend Jimmy tells Sydney that Alycia and Peter conspired to take Bobby down. Syd shares this news with Bobby, who sets up a confrontation with Alycia. When he tries to attack her, she knocks him out a high-rise building to his death. As Peter is about to be questioned about Bobby's death, Alycia calls from her car and confesses. She agrees to turn herself in, but loses control of the car while picking up her phone, and has a head-on collision with a semi. Dominick gets Matt to set him up on a date with Jo. She convinces him to see Tyler again, and Laurie reveals that the boy was abused by her ex-boyfriend. Jane tells Jake about the rape in the hopes that he w


Nincs vélemény
  • Álom és szerelem: Rosamunde Pilcher (1993)

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  • A Grace klinika (2005)

    A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
  • Álom és szerelem: Inga Lindström (2004)

    Stories of heroines and heroes - it's all about love and the sometimes bumpy road to it. The secret protagonist is the incomparably beautiful Swedish landscape.
  • Lilly Schönauer (2006)



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