
Genius of the Ancient World: Confucius: Genius of the Ancient World

Genius of the Ancient World (2015)

historique | Grande-Bretagne
Réalisateur: Rob Cowling

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EPISODE: 3 - Confucius: Genius of the Ancient World


Bettany Hughes' series exploring the lives and teachings of influential ancient philosophers draws to a close with a profile of Confucius, who is credited as the first Chinese thinker to take a systematic philosophical approach to issues of social, political and ethical importance. Born during the chaotic Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history, Confucius believed that harmony could be promoted and achieved through the examples of sage rulers. He was also a innovative teacher, and tried to instill his principles of moral excellence in China's elite, but died without seeing his vision for his nation come to pass. However, his philosophies would eventually form the bedrock of Chinese culture, with many of his principles of tradition surviving to this day. Last in the series.


Genius of the Ancient WorldGenius of the Ancient WorldGenius of the Ancient WorldGenius of the Ancient WorldGenius of the Ancient World


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