
Wonders of the Monsoon: Strange Castaways

Wonders of the Monsoon (2014)

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays


EPISODE: 4 - Strange Castaways


Documentary examining the plants and animals that thrive in monsoon areas, narrated by Colin Salmon. Black crested macaques take advantage of an abundance of fruit, and maleo birds use the sun to incubate their eggs on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. On Java, locals climb volcanoes to offer live sacrifices in thanks for the peaks' help in precipitating rain and fertilising plants with ash. The frequent and heavy rains in Borneo have destroyed the soils, created fierce competition for scarce nutrients, and driven evolution to produce some curious creatures. The Rajah Brooke's pitcher encourages tree shrews to relieve themselves to obtain the substances it needs, while the Bornean red leech is capable of swallowing the giant blue earth worm in one gulp.


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