
George Clarke's Old House, New Home

George Clark's Old House New Home (2019)

Réalisateur: Ratcliffe Mike

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays




Each episode features two properties, from Victorian to Gothic, Arts and Crafts to Georgian - each one is beautifully crafted at the time it was built but as time has gone on and with the changes to our modern lives means the once perfect houses are less than perfect. Without taking the house down, George Clarke helps to make the space which has become unworkable to being once again inhabitable by making some sensible, practical and creative changes.


George Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New HomeGeorge Clarke's Old House, New Home


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