Without A Compass

Choris pyxida (2021)

Réalisateur: Hector Schimatariotis

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays




Welcome to Leipsoi, where it is almost impossible to find a family with fewer than three children! In Leipsoi, life is less complicated... people are carefree and everyday life seems like a piece of cake! Giannis and Aris are welcomed by the Mayor, Fotis Mangos. He shares some secrets about the island and they engage in a very interesting conversation. The Mayor is a father of 4 children.. after all, Leipsoi is the municipality with the most births in the country! They swim in Platis Gialos, diving into the water to cool off. They learn how to make lachanodolmades (cabbage rolls) and the secret to making them delicious! Moreover, they learn how wine is made, they play football, they make and taste (!) cheese and they go boating in Aspronissia and Makronissia, where of course mishaps entail! This adventure features a horseback ride and the celebration of wine at an amazing festival! Sea, sun, tranquility, companionship. People here are very hospitable, warm and open-hearted.


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