
REMEMBER WHEN: "It's Not a Holiday, It's a Strike", "Heart Attack" & "The Little House in the Dark"

Ta kalytera mas hronia (2020)

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EPISODE: 13 - "It's Not a Holiday, It's a Strike", "Heart Attack" & "The Little House in the Dark"


Episode 13 (Season 2) "It's Not a Holiday, It's a Strike"Easter finds Stelios satisfied with his new position, while everyone else is a ball of nerves. Nana is drinking her sorrows away and feels like doing nothing, Mary is swamped with work due to Stelios new job, Antonis is done in from working at construction, Elpida has complaints from the photonovel photographer and Angelos with his friends decide to go on a "dirty protest". Meanwhile, Antigoni loses her earring and Mary finds it in Antonis house, while Mr. Nikos collapses at the kiosk and the whole neighborhood is on pins and needles. Episode 14 (Season 2) "Heart Attack" Mr. Nikos suffers a heart attack and everyone stops whatever they are doing to be by his side. At work, Stelios is unpleasantly surprised by his supervisor, Mrs. Argyriou, and Angelos with his friends decide to take over the kiosk while Mr. Nikos is gone. Nana starts having an attitude toward the boutiques customers and this leads to her quarreling with Mary. Ermioni stuffs herself with sweets to eat her sorrows away and Dimitris flirts with Nana.Episode 15 (Season 2) "The Little House in the Dark"Mr. Nikos has moved in with the Antonopoulos family for his recovery. This, combined with the constant power outages in the neighborhood, causes friction in the family. Even Angelos is fed up with his roommates demands, as is Mary, who feels suffocated in her own home and flirts with the idea of moving into a bigger one. And, while father Thodoras blesses Ermionis relationship with Mr. Nikos, Dimitris takes advantage of a power outage and puts all his cards on the table with Nana, while Stelios tries to track down Mr. Nikos mysterious brother.


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