School Rumble: Pigs Say Oink Oink! Cats Say Meow! Frogs and Kappas Say Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit!

スクールランブル (2004)

Réalisateur: Jin Kobayashi

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EPISODE: 4 - Pigs Say Oink Oink! Cats Say Meow! Frogs and Kappas Say Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit!


Pigs Say Oink Oink!: It's time for a school field trip. Tenma aims to sit next to Karasuma, whereas Harima wants to sit next to Tenma. Unfortunately, Harima gets on the wrong bus and ends up in a truck full of pigs.Cats Go Meow!: Yakumo tries to care for a stray black cat. She also meets Hanai Haruki, who is deeply in love with her.


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