RWBY: Ice Queendom: Mirror of Darkness

RWBY 氷雪帝国 (2022)

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EPISODE: 10 - Mirror of Darkness


Blake’s plan was a much too dangerous one, making the “Nightmare” possess Blake so that they could confront Nega-Weiss. Yang objects but Blake was firmly determined. Shion and Ozpin decide to accept her plan, considering Weiss’s urgent condition. As Blake becomes covered with the “Nightmare”, an ominous herd of shadows appears. Blake gives the word of command, “Burry the Schnee Dust Company!” toward the shadows, which looked just like Adam, who she had left behind in her past. Blake attacks Nega-Weiss along with the herd, and Nega-Weiss confronts them with anger. It was indistinguishable if the herd was Grimm or the White Fang. Meanwhile, Ruby uses this chance to head toward the center core of the dream, where the “Nightmare” had rooted.


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