Four in a Bed: Fieldhead Hotel,Cornwall

Four in a Bed (2012)

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays


EPISODE: 59 - Fieldhead Hotel,Cornwall


The final visit in this competition is to The Fieldhead Hotel in Cornwall where owners Julian and Gill Peck pride themselves on their attention to detail and 'five star service'. The guests have particularly high expectations after listening to Julian share his values with the group all week. But room inspections tell a different story as guests discover toothpaste on the walls, mucky plugs and stained loos. The afternoon brings more foraging - this time for seaweed. And Tony's not delighted to be paired with Sharon who he thinks is a 'snake'. At dinner, the outspoken host gets a taste of his own medicine when Tony lets Julian know that 'we can criticise too'. And when Kath makes it personal, the real damage is done. An early morning speech from the hostess makes for an awkward start to breakfast, and for some, the cooked option doesn't do much to improve things.

DURéE: 30 min


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