

Trener (2018)

drame | Russie
Réalisateur: Danila Kozlovsky

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 6.4/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 10/10
(2 voix)


The captain of the Russian national team Yuri Stoleshnikov does not score a penalty in the last minutes of the decisive qualifying match for the World Cup with the national team of Romania. Then he knocks down an opponent, screams at the judge, gets a red card and, leaving the field, starts a fight with the fans. As a result, the team loses 0: 1, and Stoleshnikov receives an annual disqualification, leaves the "Spartak" and decides to retire. Two years have passed, Stoleshnikov never found a job. Suddenly, he is offered the post of head coach of the team "Meteor" from Novorossiysk, playing in the second league of the Russian championship.


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