
Last Prince of Atlantis

Posledniy chelovek iz Atlantidy (2018)

animation, aventures, famille, fantastique | Etats-Unis, Russie
Réalisateur: Vladlen Barbe

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 3.7/10


The Last Prince of Atlantis is a beautiful fairy tale about love, an animated family movie. The dynamic intrigue, a bright and multidimensional shows keeps the audiences captivated. An old pearl-fisher Bltazar is forced to sell his boat to wealthy man Don Vincenzo. But this is not the worst part. Now Vincenzo wants to take his beautiful daughter Adrianna! The girl is against that, but for how much longer can she resist? Police and gangsters serve Vincenzo... But money and power are nothing when the real love comes around. The Last Prince Of Atlantis appears from the bottom of the sea, where he spent thousands of years in a stone sarcophagus. One day he sees Adrianna in the sea, strikes up looking for her and finds her...


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