Servet the accountant makes a plan to steal money from a client. He decides to get his brother-in-law Gökhan involved to use his account for the money transfer. When two more friends Meatball Necmi and Del Piero are added to the plan, things start going bad. They end up finding themselves in a crazy adventure dealing with real criminals 'the jackals', while all they wanted was to make a quick buck.


Aucun avis
  • Quatre étoiles (2006)

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  • Beauty Shop (2005)

    Une coiffeuse entre en compétition avec son ex-employeur après avoir ouvert son propre salon nouveau genre, en compagnie de sa shampooineuse favorite.
  • Ibo ile Güllüsah (1977)

    A 9-year-old girl wishes to be kidnapped by an ex-con whom she dreams of a prince charming on white horse. This dull-witted ex-con man about town plays the role...
  • Sekula nevino optuzen (1992)


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