
Unsinkable: Japan's Lost Battleship

Unsinkable: Japan's Lost Battleship (2020)

Évaluation: 6.4/10


On 24th of October 1944, a great battle at sea begins in the Philippines. Japan's navy gambles on a decisive victory against the United States. An exploration of how Musashi, Japan's top-secret battleship, made its way to the bottom of the ocean.

Narrateur: Brad Koed
DURéE: 55 min


Unsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost BattleshipUnsinkable: Japan's Lost Battleship


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