
All for Free

Sve džaba (2006)

comédie, thriller, drame | Bosnie-Herzégovine, Croatie
Réalisateur: Antonio Nuić

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 7.2/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 5.1/10
(14 votes)


Goran is 30, living in a small Bosnian town. Unlike his friends, whose lives have been seriously altered by war (his best friend Miro lost both his arms in the war), Goran got away from it almost untouched. He lives off his parents' inheritance and spends his days boozing with his buddies. One day, all his friends get killed in a drunken altercation. This throws him completely off his routine, and he decides to sell all his belongings and start doing something memorable. He ends up going from town to town, spending one day in each of them, and handing away completely free drinks, for as long as the money he got after selling all his belongings lasts. In the first town he visits with his travelling bar, he decides that he himself won't drink a drop of alcohol on the entire journey. He is initially stymied by the huge distrust of people upon seeing the sign "All for Free". The distrust almost always results in initial hostility, but after the people see he has no dishonest intentions, ...


All for FreeAll for FreeAll for Free


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