This movie is the sequel of Io, Chiara e lo Scuro (1982). Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara: "Billiards is jealous, he explains, if you love a woman, you can pass your time on the green table". She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards: he will meet again Chiara in Casablanca, Morocco, during a World Championship and in the magic of a mysterious bar called Ricks...


Aucun avis
  • Quatre étoiles (2006)

    Lorsque Franssou apprend qu'elle a hérité de 50 000 euros d'une tante éloignée, elle est d'abord interloquée. Puis, ne sachant que faire d'une telle somme, et...
  • Beauty Shop (2005)

    Une coiffeuse entre en compétition avec son ex-employeur après avoir ouvert son propre salon nouveau genre, en compagnie de sa shampooineuse favorite.
  • Ortaci (1988)

    A young student hungry for cash engages in the world of shady deals.
  • Sekula nevino optuzen (1992)


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