Maria (Velentina Cortese) comes to Rome to do what she can to aid the war-stricken people of her village, and meets Dick (Leo Dale), an American soldier in Rome on furlough from the front lines. He is concerned only with winning her companionship, while she tries to keep her mind on the mission that brought her there. They both eventually accomplish their goals, and when he returns to the front, there is a promise that they will be reunited after the war.


Aucun avis
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  • La disparition (2012)

    Betty a disparu et, même si son mariage battait de l'aile, elle ne serait jamais partie sans donner de nouvelles à ses enfants. Aucun corps n'a été retrouvé,...
  • The Frogs (1985)

    The women who called Elmas is earning her life with picking tomatoes, pepper and frog, she was widowed when her husband killed. Elmas survives with her child. She...
  • Ma vie avec John F. Donovan (2018)

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