
You Kiss Like a Devil

Líbáš jako ďábel (2012)

comédie | Tchéquie
Réalisateur: Marie Poledňáková

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 4.6/10


A sequel to Líbás jako buh (2009). The film takes off at the moment when the old bonds of marriage are definitely a thing of the past and Helena (Kamila Magálová) and Frantisek (Oldrich Kaiser) are trying to start a new life together. But, as usually the case, ties to the past cannot be cut just like that. It is still your family and your environment and your former partners still inevitably belong to your shared life.


You Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a DevilYou Kiss Like a Devil


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