
Diamond Hunters

Diamond Hunters (2001)

drame | Afrique du Sud, Etats-Unis, Allemagne, Italie
Réalisateur: Dennis Berry

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 4.5/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 9.3/10
(3 voix)


Set against the background of South Africa's emerald coast and diamond mines, Diamond Hunters traces the torrid fortunes of a family unable to forgive and forget. Johnny, a successful diamond hunter, gets sucked back into a family that had been his own, before the patriarch, Jacob Van der Byl, abandoned him 20 years ago. Painful memories of an unjust father and a long lost love come back to reality as Johnny is pitted against his own half-brother Benedict in a fight over two women, a diamond empire and ultimately, his very survival. Played out over two episodes, Diamond Hunters describes Johnny's thwarted attempts to win the approval of Jacob, and the under-hand schemes by which the inimical Benedict plans to defeat him. Tracey, Benedict's sister and Johnny's true love, further complicates the fraternal rivalry, as all attempt to overcome the demons that survive from their troubled childhood.


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