Un musicien chypriote grec doit récupérer son chien Jimi qui s’est enfui dans la partie turque de Nicosie... Primé dans plusieurs festivals, un premier long métrage chypriote à l’humour décapant.


Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?Where is Hendrix?


Aucun avis
  • Taiwan Canasta (1985)

    Forty year old, unemployed architect is trying to find his way in a society's cruel environment. In his mind, he still lives in 1968, when he was one of the...
  • À la petite semaine (2003)

    Jacques is coming home after a long stretch behind bars. The boys are waiting, especially hi longtime friend Francis and new kid on the block Didier. They have a...
  • I Feel Good (2018)

    Monique, qui dirige une communauté Emmaüs, a le coeur sur la main et le sens du partage. Tout l'opposé de son frère Jacques, qui veut faire fortune mais enchaîne...
  • National Class Category Up to 785 Ccm (1979)

    One week in a life of Branimir Mitrovic "Floyd", a young rally driver from the National Class (up to 785cc), dreaming of promotion to the higher category. He...

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