
L'aigle noir

Il vendicatore (1959)

drame, crime, action | Yugoslavia, Italie
Réalisateur: William Dieterle

Évaluation: 5.1/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 10/10
(6 votes)


A Russian Robin Hood ;the story of a young officer whose father was despoiled of his valuable properties by a wealthy neighbor ;so he becomes the leader of the rebellion of the Moujiks spending their life slaving away( shortly before his death,his father told his wicked "friend" : you feed your dogs with boiled beef and fresh eggs and your peasants are starving!!!),and he steals from the rich to give to the poor.As it often happens,to hear the script writers,the wicker a father is,the nicer the daughter is;and guess with whom the tyrant's gorgeous girl will fall in love .


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