Forty-three year old Elle magazine editor Jean-Dominique Bauby - Jean-Do to his friends - awakens not knowing where he is. He is in a Berck-sur-Mer hospital, where he has been for the past several weeks in a coma after suffering a massive stroke. Although his cognitive facilities are in tact, he quickly learns that he has what is called locked-in syndrome which has resulted in him being almost completely paralyzed, including not being able to speak. One of his few functioning muscles is his left eye. His physical situation and hospitalization uncomfortably bring together the many people in his life, including: Céline Desmoulins, his ex-lover and mother of his children; Inès, his current lover; and his aged father who he calls Papinou. Among his compassionate recuperative team are his physical therapist Marie, and his speech therapist Henriette. Henriette eventually teaches him to communicate using a system where he spells out words: she reads out the letters of the alphabet in ...


Le scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillonLe scaphandre et le papillon


Aucun avis
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  • Les onze fioretti de François d'Assise (1950)

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  • La Méthode Williams (2021)

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  • 12 Years a Slave (2013)

    Peu avant la guerre de Sécession, un jeune Afro-Américain vit à New York avec sa famille, et travaille comme charpentier et violoniste. Un jour, il est approché...

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