
Another Mother's Son

Another Mother's Son (2017)

temps de guerre, drame, biographique | Grande-Bretagne
Réalisateur: Christopher Menaul

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 6.8/10


Nazi-occupied Jersey resident Louisa Gould takes in an escaped Russian PoW and hides him during an era when it becomes apparent Britain has no immediate plans to re-take the islands. Tensions mount and while the community spirit begins to fray under pressures of hunger, occupation and divided loyalty, Lou strives to preserve her family's sense of humanity and to protect the Russian visitor as if he was her own. Fact-based Second World War drama, starring Jenny Seagrove, John Hannah, Susan Hampshire and Joanna David and featuring Ronan Keating in a supporting role.


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