
Qui chante là-bas?

Ko to tamo peva (1980)

Réalisateur: Slobodan Šijan
PINK Film | mercredi | 01:46

Évaluation: 8.8/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8/10
(233 voix)


On April 5, 1941, a date Serbs will recognize, men on a country road board Krstic's bus for Belgrade: two Gypsies who occasionally sing about misery, an aging war vet, a Nazi sympathizer, a dapper singer, a consumptive, and a man with a shotgun. Krstic is a world-weary cynic, out for a buck; the driver is his son, the simple, cheerful Misko. En route they pick up a priest and young newlyweds going to the seaside. Along the way, mis-adventure strikes: a flat tire, a rickety bridge, a farmer who's plowed the road, a funeral, two feuding families, an army detail, and a lost wallet slow the bus and expose rifts among the travelers. On April 6, amid rumors of war, they reach Belgrade...


Qui chante là-bas?Qui chante là-bas?Qui chante là-bas?


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