Five women different from each other, by age and social background, but who share experiences of a possessive, morbid love, which suddenly leads to various forms of violence. Marina believes that love coincides with having to respect the strict rules imposed by a violent husband, whose violence is morbidly transmitted even to the couple's little son. Angela is a 50-year-old single teacher for far too long who easily ends up under the attentions of a maniacally jealous man. Francesca is a high school girl in love with love who naively lets herself be lured by a ruthless bunch of classmates, who then blackmail her. Alessandra is a young woman of humble conditions who lives in the buildings of the Roman suburbs with her grandmother and younger brother, and tries to make ends meet by cleaning a swimming pool. Anna is a young woman who strenuously pursues her life's dream of becoming a theatre actress. But their happy days are about to run out: Alessandra will suffer violence from her employer, while Anna, plunged into a whirlwind of 'amorous drug addiction' made up of outbursts of anger and beatings by her partner, the rock star Il Moro , to which Francesco Montanari lends his face, will slowly see his dreams and his future fade away. Angela will instead be the victim of Gesuino's jealousy and ignorance.


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