
Le souffre-douleur

Big Bully (1996)

comédie, mystère | Etats-Unis
Réalisateur: Steve Miner

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 4.7/10


David Leary was bullied by Rosco when he was in elementary school. But he got even on the day his parents moved out of town. Now twenty years later, David, who is a successful writer, is invited back to his home town to teach. Everything is great until Rosco, who is still in town, recognizes him. Now suddenly someone is playing mean practical jokes on him. Isn't David a little too old to be running to the Principal saying "Rosco's picking on me." ?


Le souffre-douleurLe souffre-douleurLe souffre-douleurLe souffre-douleurLe souffre-douleurLe souffre-douleur


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