Cully Briston is serving a 5 year sentence in an Arizona prison.He's not getting along well with the Sergeant of the guards who, on finding a bottle of moonshine near Cully, sends him to the isolation block.Arriving there Cully discovers that inmates have taken over the block and have taken the guards as hostages.Inmate Red Fraker is the leader of the revolt and asks Cully to join them in a mass escape.Cully tries to temper the inmates and avoid the killing of the guards who could be more useful as hostages during negotiations with state officials.Riot leader Red Fraker asks Cully to join the escape attempt and Cully reluctantly agrees.They decide to pretend negotiating better living conditions for the prison inmates in order to gain time for their real aim which is escaping.When Cully asks Red how would this even be possible, Red reveals the existence of an old tunnel, built under the prison auditorium. Very few inmates and no prison staff members know about the tunnel's ...


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  • Le silence des agneaux (1991)

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  • Les veuves (2018)

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