Évaluation: 7.7/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 9.1/10
(50 votes)


On a warm summer evening, the loving couple of Rocco, a plastic surgeon, and Eva, a therapist, are expecting their good friends to share a pleasant gathering over dinner. Everything is in order: The first course is ready; the roast is in the oven; the table is set, and without a doubt, this is going to be a meeting of true friends. Before long, the group begins the feast; however, in this nice but somewhat ordinary dinner, there is certainly something missing. Perhaps, if everyone placed their mobile phones on the table--and like a dangerous Russian roulette shared whatever arrived (texts, WhatsApp messages, and calls)--it would spice things up. Clearly, this uncommon truth-or-dare game has no point among honest companions who share everything with each other; nevertheless, when the phones start ringing, who will be the one with the sweatiest palms?


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