
La charge de la huitième brigade

A Distant Trumpet (1964)

drame, western | Etats-Unis
Réalisateur: Raoul Walsh

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Évaluation: 6.2/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8.4/10
(8 votes)


Lt. Hazard, fresh out of West Point, arrives in Arizona Territory at hot, dusty, Fort Delivery. Appalled by the lax discipline of its troops, he restricts their privileges and subjects them to arduous drills. At the same time, he finds himself falling in love with Kitty, the wife of his commanding officer. This romance is complicated when his fiancee from Back East decides to pay a visit. Troubles with the local Indians, however, soon force Hazard to concentrate on his military duties which sometimes conflict with his sympathy for the Indians' cause.


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