
Brand: A Second Coming

Brand: A Second Coming (2015)

documentaire, biographique | Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis
Réalisateur: Ondi Timoner

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 5.8/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 6/10


Follows comedian/author/activist Russell Brand as he dives headlong into drugs, sex & fame in an attempt to find happiness, only to realize that our culture feeds us bad ideas & empty idols. Through his stand up, Brand explores his own true icons - Gandhi, Che Guevara, Malcolm X & Jesus Christ- & evolves from addict & Hollywood star to an unexpected political disruptor & newfound hero to the underserved. Will Brand hold fast against the roar of criticism to break out of the very system that built him?


Brand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second ComingBrand: A Second Coming


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