Évaluation: 7.8/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 9.3/10
(3 voix)


Karen Wright and Martha Dobie are best friends since college and they own the boarding school Wright and Dobie School for Girls with twenty students. They are working hard as headmistresses and teachers to grow the school and make it profitable. Karen is engaged with the local doctor Joe Cardin, who is the nephew of the powerful and influential Mrs. Amelia Tilford. While the spiteful and liar Mary, who is Amelia's granddaughter and a bad influence to the other girls, is punished by Karen after telling a lie, Martha has an argument with her snoopy aunt Lily Mortar in another room. Lily accuses Martha of being jealous and having an unnatural relationship with Karen. Mary's roommate Rosalie Wells overhears the shouting and tells Mary what Mrs. Mortar had said about her niece. The malicious Mary accuses Karen and Martha of being lesbians to her grandmother and Amelia spreads the gossip to the parents of the students that withdraw them from the school. Karen and Martha lose a lawsuit.


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Examen par Filip
mercredi 14 décembre 2022 00:02
Druga filmska verzija istoimenog kazališnog komada ugledne američke dramatičarke Lillian Hellman, koju potpisuje jedan od najvećih autora klasičnog Hollywooda, William Wyler (Jezabel, Najbolje godine naših života, Prijateljsko uvjeravanje, Velika zemlja, Ben-Hur). Wyler je 1936. režirao i prvu verziju nazvanu "Njih troje", sugestivan film kojim, međutim, nije bio zadovoljan jer je u skladu s ondašnjim vremenom morao cenzurirati predložak. No "Njih troje" bio je njegov prvi kritičarski uspjeh,... (suite)
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