
The Verdict

Presuda (1977)

drame, temps de guerre | Yugoslavia
Réalisateur: Trajce Popov

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 6.5/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8.8/10
(12 votes)


In the conflict with the enemy in one battle lost in advance, the risk to die in vain, partisan Mitko Angelov, fleeing from the battlefield. He climbs onto the train and goes to see his mother, who has just returned from internment. When he returned to the brigade, Mitko was declared a deserter and was disarmed and bound. Since he lost his weapon, the Commissioner sent him to patrol the action to take weapons from the Germans. All partisans patrol that went with him dying and the only Mitko and Vane, who was seriously injured remain alive. Thinking it was dead Vane, Angelov returns to the brigade. But the commander did not believe him, thinking that he had fled from the battle, and that is why the prison in the basement. In the meantime, get wounded fighter Vane, and the story of the heroic struggle led by Mitko. But at the same time, a military court condemned him to death for desertion.


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