Évaluation: 6.5/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 10/10


The Moscow development centre becomes a threat to the safety of subway traffic. In one of the tunnels a crack appears, which threatens to flood the old stations.
The construction of new buildings in the center of Moscow, leads to a crack in one of the subway tunnels. No one could have imagined that as a result of the violation of the tightness of the ceiling, water from the Moscow River would pour into the tunnel, and hundreds of passengers would be in the grip of an impending flood. A furious stream of water threatens not only the collapse of the subway tunnels, but also the destruction of the entire city. City hospital doctor Andrey Garin and his daughter Ksyusha are among other people in trouble. Garin is fighting a disaster, trying to save passengers. Andrey will have to overcome resentment, anger and fear. He must survive in order to regain his love, his family and his former happy life.




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