
28 Hotel Rooms

28 Hotel Rooms (2012)

drame, romantique | Etats-Unis
Réalisateur: Matt Ross

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 5.8/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 7.7/10
(3 voix)


Spanning several years involving two persons, a young man (Chris Messina) and a young woman (Marin Ireland), who have a one night stand in a hotel room. Despite going their different paths, the man, a struggling writer, and the woman, an accountant, meet over the next several years in various different hotel rooms across the USA while they travel on business. Despite they are both involved with different people, they find their romantic tryst a getaway from their everyday lives. But as they both mature and grow apart, will they ever learn that they may be soul mates really meant for each other and their secret rendezvous for sex is something more?


28 Hotel Rooms28 Hotel Rooms28 Hotel Rooms28 Hotel Rooms28 Hotel Rooms


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