Franco and Ciccio are two cousins ​​who, in the old West, have opened a service station, where they carry out the washing and drying of the horses and a bar service for the passing riders. One day a stranger saves them from an attempted robbery against them: the girl introduces herself as Calamity Jane, as well as Franco and Ciccio's aunt.


Aucun avis
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    When, after serving a three-year sentence, Ben Bellow is released from prison, Charlie Logan is waiting for him. Not to hug him. Not to welcome him. Just to let...
  • L'or des pistoleros (1967)

    A la fin du XIXe siècle, un bandit dérobe un chargement d'or de l'armée. Après avoir enterré son butin, il se rend au saloon et provoque un joueur en duel. Il est...
  • Les indésirables (1972)

    Jim Kane is a loser cowboy in Nogales, Arizona.He has more good nature than good sense and often takes jack-of-all-trades jobs. His bank loans are jeopardized...
  • Dieu pardonne... pas moi! (1967)

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