
Mémoire d'un sourire


drame | Italie, Japon
Réalisateur: Franco Zeffirelli

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 6.7/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 10/10


Catania, Sicilia 1864. A serious epidemic of cholera is hitting the region. Maria a 16 years old novice leaves her convent and returns her home to avoid contamination. Here she finds a difficult situation, in fact her stepmother and her half-sisters prevent Maria to live the normal life of a teenager. In their minds Maria is the promised "bride of God" and a regular life for her is inappropriate. Nino, her handsome neighbor, falls in love for Maria who isn't indifferent to him. But when Maria comes back to her convent the way to become nun is compelled. Now Maria can understand Sister Agata, and realizes she became mad cause a lost and impossible love like the one between Maria and Nino.


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