
Le palais à cinq sous

Nickelodeon (1976)

comédie | Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis
Réalisateur: Peter Bogdanovich

Évaluation: 6.2/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 7.4/10
(8 votes)


This homage to the childhood days of the motion pictures starts in 1910, when the young attorney Leo Harrigan by chance meets a motion picture producer. Immediately he's invited to become a writer for him - the start of a sensational career. Soon he's promoted to a director and shoots one silent movie after the other in the tiny desert village Cacamonga with a small crew of actors. But the competition is hard: the patent agency sends out Buck Greenway to sabotage them. When they visit L.A., his crew is surprised by a new species: fans!


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