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  • Rire ou mourir (2018)

    Inspiré d’une histoire vraie. Détenus dans un camp de prisonniers, une troupe de comédiens doit relever un cruel défi. S’ils ne parviennent pas à faire rire un...
  • Türk Isi Dondurma (2019)

    The two Turks living in Australia provide their livelihood by selling ice-cream with a wheelbarrow. In 1915 they learned that there was a war in the country. They...
  • The Battle of Kosovo (1989)

    On June 28th 1389, at Kosovo Polje, an army of the Serbian Prince Lazar made a stand against the advancing Ottoman forces of Sultan Murad, resulting in a great...
  • Man with a Gun (1938)

    1917. A soldier send a letter to comrade Lenin seeking answers to his brothers in arms questions. And at that time general Krasnov's army is advancing at Petrograd.

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