La clinique de la Forêt-Noire - la nouvelle génération

Die Schwarzwaldklinik - Die nächste Generation (2005)

drame | Allemagne
Réalisateur: Hans-Jürgen Tögel

Évaluation: 5.1/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 10/10


Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Brinkmann and his wife Dr. Christa Brinkmann come back to the house of the Brinkmann family, because their common son Dr. Benjamin Brinkmann, houseman/intern in the "Schwarzwaldklinik" (Black Forest Clinic/Hospital), will get married with his colleague Sophie Schwarz, daughter of Herbert Schwarz, owner of a restaurant. In Glottertal Prof. Brinkmann will also have happy memories of his heyday at the "Schwarzwaldklinik" (Black Forest Clinic/Hospital). All the same Benjamin has problems with his superior, Prof. Köhler, who refuses the position of the assistant medical director to him. However before wedding happens, there is a great surprise on eve-of-the-wedding: Benjamin invited former friends and colleagues of his parents. For this event Carsta Michaelis, former housekeeper of the Brinkmann family, once again slips into her function and have found this colleagues together. But as Carsta Michaelis is going to search "Oberschwester" (senior nursing officer/head nurse...


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